Sunday, May 4, 2008

Start my moment, unplugged

Well, for the longest time, I have been an consumer of the digital age. Browsing and reading. The explosion of information on the web certainly creates plenty to consume daily.

On a day out camping with no connection to the network, at a place a web apart, I pulled out a piece of paper and start jogging down. It was just that, thoughts and ideas, but quite uniquely with my finger print.

10 some years ago, I read this humorous article about "paper 1.0" on the net to satirize the proliferation of computer releases obscured the basic value of paper but only to be reincarnated as "new release" of information collecting devices. On a piece of paper writing down my thoughts that day, I also rediscovered the value of a piece of paper, and an unplugged moment.

And then I wrote on a blog site :)

btw, a new word that I learned today is called "watershed moment" - turning point.